Posts Tagged: typography

Fonts & Typefaces

As a graphic/web designer or a typographer it is vitally important that we learn to properly use terminology that comes with the practice. However, for many designers typographic terminology seems to be an oversight and one of the most misused terms is by far the use font and typeface.

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Naïve Inline

Niave inline image

Figure 1. Naïve Inline sample image.

This beautiful handwritten serif font is designed by Fanny Coulez, from French foundry La Goupil which has a refreshing modern feel to it .

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OpenType Features For the Web

In recent years we have seen a huge increase in the capabilities of web typography, from the release of the @font-face feature to the launch of web-font hosting specialists such as Typekit and Fontdeck, among others. We have also seen an exciting increase in web-fonts with OpenType features and increasing support for these across major browsers too, which is the main focus of this article.

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Numerals, Capitals & Small Caps

The correct use of numerals, capitals and small caps are essential for good typography. Unfortunately though, to many people they’ve become a complete oversight and the theory behind their correct usage has been all but forgotten.

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